Archive for December, 2007


A Few More Shots…

Big Spring Park, originally uploaded by Kevin Coppock.

Here are a few more shots I uploaded from Huntsville:

Through the TunnelAll In Perspective


I Have a Computer Again! / New Photos

E Building, originally uploaded by Kevin Coppock.

Bit of backstory here since I haven’t had a chance to post a blog in a while due to computer issues. About two weeks ago, my computer’s liquid cooling pump decided to fry itself, so I had to order a new fan/heatsink from Newegg and wait for that to come in. It came in last Monday, and when I went to install it, that’s when the real fun started.

I started to remove the old cooling system from my computer, and all of that went fairly well, until I tried to remove the backplate that holds the waterblock to the CPU (those of you who’ve done this, you know what I’m talking about.) Well, apparently whatever genius is in charge of designing these thought it would be a good idea to use the absolutely strongest adhesive possible to mount it to a fragile, expensive piece of equipment such as a motherboard. After about 45 minutes with a hair dryer and a butter knife, I made some headway getting it off, only to notice, to my chagrin, a large burn mark both on my case and on my motherboard, below the CPU. Apparently I’d had a little miniature explosion in there, or something, but long story short, the sucker was fried.

So of course, being the week of Christmas, I couldn’t get a replacement motherboard until today (got an Abit IL-9 Pro, for those that care), but I threw this one together, and so far everything else seems to have made it out unscathed, including the processor, which I had assumed was probably fried as well. Moral of the story here is to not use liquid cooling systems… >.>

Also, I finally got to add some new photos now that I have my computer again, I uploaded three to Flickr today that I liked, so please go take a look if you have a chance!


I Think You Dropped These…

So my sister has this annoying neighbor that, five or six times a day, has this ritual of sitting outside his apartment door smoking, and then proceeds to throw it in the bush that sits in front of her apartment. He doesn’t even bother to put them out, so you walk by and just see this smoking bush.

I find this very irritating…

To start with, I’ve started picking them up as I see them, and transferring them to his bush on the opposite side.

I figured this method would make it a little more personal, though:


I left these on his doorstep. Innocent enough, but maybe this will drive the point home. I doubt it, though. Unfortunately I’ll just have to imagine his response to this, but in my imagination I’m hoping for a double take, a long, silent stare, followed by a string of bewildered cursing, and a door slamming.

If this doesn’t work, I’m sure I’ll think of other plans. :)


Small Change on Facebook’s Notification Emails

This is kind of random, but I just noticed that Facebook has changed the way they send you email notifications. Now the email actually gives more information. Like if it’s a notification of a wall post or a message, it actually contains the post in the email. So apparently they updated it sometime between last night and today, but there’s nothing on the Facebook blog about it yet.

I always thought it would be kind helpful to have the message in the email itself, same way with MySpace.

Check out my app "Holoku" on the Google Play Store!

Kevin's Photos

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